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Special Offers

Merge, Perge, Duplicate Record Removal, NCOA Move Update, Upper Lower Case List Maintenance, Reports and Postal Presorting.

Postcards, Self-Mailers, Folded Letters, Most Envelopes of Various Sizes

White or Translucent

One or Two Tabs Per Pass

Add as many Merge Fields as you would like

6 x 9  1 through 6 inserts

9 x 12  1 through 4 inserts

Presure Sensitive Stamps, Coils of 3,000 and 10,000

Presorted First Class Stamps - First Class Stamps - Standard Stamps

11 x 17

8 1/2 x 14

8 1/2 x 11

Fan Fold ( With or Without Pin Holes )

Rolls with a 3 inch Core